

Caution, High Surf Advisory

How raw and fearlessly fearful we are when we first step into the dangerous waters just off the coast of our rules. Is it possibly the raw fine mist of our academia that precedes the rolling waves of cultivated influences will allow us to be receptive to new and other ways of seeing? And, what are the raw elements that make us so available to a new movement of illusion, thought, and mood. What will help us stay receptive when that new way of seeing comes with an unexpected narrative that interrupts our play of consciousness? Can we depend on our raw emotions to overcome the fears within our raw nerves when we find ourselves face to face with this unexpected swelling 50 ft. narrative wave that appears overwhelmingly unfamiliar?

Well, delete the concern. Because, the beauty in a state of being raw, is that it pushes us to be visually active and allows us to see the familiar in the unfamiliar. Riding it’s wake makes us accessible from all vantage points to being changed as it becomes the under toe for our creations.

So, is raw hard to see or is raw black and white?

Read more of the Exhibition Essay